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We are so glad you have stopped by to learn more about Deaf Nations Of the World.  We are a 501c3 organization dedicated to extending available human services to people who are Deaf.  We will accomplish this goal by partnering with established, productive entities currently assigned to improve the human condition both here and abroad. If after browsing our website you still have questions or want to join us please contact us right away.  We love people who share the vision and want to help us provide this much needed service.

The people here represent the Nations of the World.  They represent many different countries and cultures but share one common bond - they are forever loved!  

The majority 

  • hear with their eyes due to varying degrees of diminished hearing

  • understand with their heart, and 

  • desire to serve with their hands

There are estimates of 70 - 300 million people in the world who are deaf. The number varies depending on the definition of deafness used and the willingness of people to self-identify among other reasons.  Many live below the poverty level, lack quality education and basic human services.  We, at Deaf Nations Of the World, want to help level the playing field for this Unreached People Group.

Humanitarian Services

There are many great humanitarian groups and missionary efforts to help better the human condition - physically, mentally and spiritually.  Many well-known celebrities champion the cause for those who are less fortunate.  Who seeks out and speaks for those who do not hear about the medical services, food and clothing available for those who have none?  WE DO!

Many groups that provide disaster relief, medical, dental and other services overlook the deaf; not out of intent but out of ignorance.

Awareness & Education

Many people are not aware of people who are deaf or hard of hearing in their midst.  How many lawyers and doctors are unable to communicate with a client who is Deaf? How many people are aware that children who are deaf are often abandoned or sold into sex trafficking because they cannot communicate?  If you are honest, can you say you've ever given that a thought or consideration in your business dealings?

Deaf N.O.W. seeks to change that because people who are deaf deserve to receive services, employment and opportunities just like the hearing population.

Partnership / Sponsorship

You + Deaf N.O.W. = Hope for an Unreached
People Group

If you believe as we do...
...that all people deserve to be heard
...that no one should be invisible
 ...and that hope is a basic need
Then partner with us! 

"Every man is guilty of the good he did not do"  ~ Voltaire

Hope for an 

Unreached People Group

Deaf Nations Of the World, Inc.

2771 Monument Rd. Bldg. 29-318

Jacksonville, FL 32225-5549

(904) 372-3346

©2019 by DEAF N.O.W. a 501C3 

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